Another example of oracle data file is encrypted and restored

Title: Another example of oracle data file is encrypted and restored

Author: DATABASE SOS©All rights reserved [without my consent, it may not be reproduced in any form, otherwise there is the right to further legal responsibility.]

A customer oracle database file is encrypted with the suffix name: .z33m8rvi, and the content of the txt file is as follows

The encrypted data file is:

By analyzing the file, we judge this encryption situation, all data in the data file can be recovered, after recovering the file, the database is directly opened, and the data is exported normally

We have a lot of experience in encrypting similar data files. If you encounter such encryption, you need to solve it,you can contact us to

.lockbit encrypted database recovery

Title: .lockbit encrypted database recovery

Author: DATABASE SOS©All rights reserved [without my consent, it may not be reproduced in any form, otherwise there is the right to further legal responsibility.]

There is a case where the oracle database is encrypted with the suffix name: .lockbit

Restore-My-Files.txt file content:

Through the recovery of encrypted files, confirm that each file only destroyed a part of the data block

Through the underlying analysis and recovery, the undamaged block data in the file can be recovered, minimizing the loss of customers due to encryption

We have a lot of experience in encrypting similar data files. If you encounter such encryption, you need to solve it,you can contact us to

[].Devos Recovery

Title: [].Devos Recovery

Author: DATABASE SOS©All rights reserved [without my consent, it may not be reproduced in any form, otherwise there is the right to further legal responsibility.]

Recently, a friend inquired that the hospital database file was encrypted as: .id[FC1CFDC9-2700].[].Devos

The info.txt information they left is

!!!All of your files are encrypted!!!
To decrypt them send e-mail to this address:

Analyze the destruction of encrypted files

There is not much data destroyed by encryption, but because the business is special, there is a lot of xml type data, it is best to open the database, and then export the data, analyze the damaged part through the bottom layer, the open database is successful, and the loss is minimized (for individual damage (The table is processed separately according to rowid/pk)

We have a lot of experience in encrypting similar data files. If you encounter such encryption, you need to solve it,you can contact us to