Recently, a new recovery method for asm disk data file loss has been analyzed and studied. Cod and acd are used for recovery. Our changes (creation, deletion, expansion, reduction, etc.) of files in the asm disk group will be reflected in cod and acd. There are some manifestations in the database. The changes in the data in the oracle database will be reflected in the redo and undo. You can confirm the distribution of the files in the asm disk group through their analysis to achieve the recovery of the data files. Create table spaces, insert data, delete table spaces (and delete files at the same time), and then analyze related cod and acd to achieve data file recovery.
Create tablespace
SQL> create tablespace xifenfei datafile '+data' size 1G;
Tablespace created.
SQL> alter tablespace xifenfei add datafile '+data' size 128M autoextend on;
Tablespace altered.
Create mock table and insert data
SQL> create table t_xifenfei tablespace xifenfei as
2 select * from dba_objects;
Table created.
SQL> insert into t_xifenfei select * from t_xifenfei;
73013 rows created.
SQL> insert into t_xifenfei select * from t_xifenfei;
18691328 rows created.
Commit complete.
SQL> alter system checkpoint;
System altered.
SQL> select bytes/1024/1024/1024,TABLESPACE_NAME FROM USER_SEGMENTS where segment_name='T_XIFENFEI';
-------------------- ------------------------------
5.56738281 XIFENFEI
drop tablespace
SQL> drop tablespace xifenfei including contents and datafiles;
Tablespace dropped.
View alert log information
drop tablespace xifenfei including contents and datafiles
Deleted Oracle managed file +DATA/ORA18C/DATAFILE/xifenfei.262.1035571131
Deleted Oracle managed file +DATA/ORA18C/DATAFILE/xifenfei.263.1038507123
Completed: drop tablespace xifenfei including contents and datafiles
Here we can see that the asm numbers of the two deleted data files are 262 and 263. If you want to restore the table space data, you need to recover the data file first. Since the file is deleted, the file is stored in the asm and found to be related The data distribution relationship can be restored. Try to find the file extension mapping relationship
Try to read directly extent map
[root@rac18c2 ~]# kfed read /dev/xifenfei-sdb aus=4194304 blkn=0|grep f1b1locn
kfdhdb.f1b1locn: 10 ; 0x0d4: 0x0000000a
[root@rac18c2 ~]# kfed read /dev/xifenfei-sdb aus=4194304 aun=10 blkn=262|more
kfbh.endian: 1 ; 0x000: 0x01
kfbh.hard: 130 ; 0x001: 0x82
kfbh.type: 4 ; 0x002: KFBTYP_FILEDIR
kfbh.datfmt: 1 ; 0x003: 0x01
kfbh.block.blk: 262 ; 0x004: blk=262
kfbh.block.obj: 1 ; 0x008: file=1
kfbh.check: 4132734069 ; 0x00c: 0xf6548475
kfbh.fcn.base: 6741 ; 0x010: 0x00001a55
kfbh.fcn.wrap: 0 ; 0x014: 0x00000000
kfbh.spare1: 0 ; 0x018: 0x00000000
kfbh.spare2: 0 ; 0x01c: 0x00000000
kfffdb.node.incarn: 1035571132 ; 0x000: A=0 NUMM=0x1edcc7de
kfffdb.node.frlist.number: 264 ; 0x004: 0x00000108
kfffdb.node.frlist.incarn: 0 ; 0x008: A=0 NUMM=0x0
kfffdb.hibytes: 0 ; 0x00c: 0x00000000
kfffdb.lobytes: 1073750016 ; 0x010: 0x40002000
kfffdb.xtntcnt: 0 ; 0x014: 0x00000000
kfffdb.xtnteof: 257 ; 0x018: 0x00000101
kfffdb.blkSize: 8192 ; 0x01c: 0x00002000
kfffdb.flags: 1 ; 0x020: O=1 S=0 S=0 D=0 C=0 I=0 R=0 A=0
kfffdb.fileType: 2 ; 0x021: 0x02
kfffdb.mxshad: 0 ; 0x498: 0x0000
kfffdb.mxprnt: 0 ; 0x49a: 0x0000
kfffdb.fmtBlks: 131073 ; 0x49c: 0x00020001
kfffde[0] 4294967295 ; 0x4a0: 0xffffffff
kfffde[0].xptr.disk: 65535 ; 0x4a4: 0xffff
kfffde[0].xptr.flags: 0 ; 0x4a6: L=0 E=0 D=0 S=0 R=0 I=0
kfffde[0].xptr.chk: 42 ; 0x4a7: 0x2a
kfffde[1] 4294967295 ; 0x4a8: 0xffffffff
kfffde[1].xptr.disk: 65535 ; 0x4ac: 0xffff
kfffde[1].xptr.flags: 0 ; 0x4ae: L=0 E=0 D=0 S=0 R=0 I=0
kfffde[1].xptr.chk: 42 ; 0x4af: 0x2a
The kfffdb.blkSize of 8192 here proves that it was probably a data file before, but the au and disk in kfffde are all set to f, indicating that the direct mapping table of the extent has been emptied, not to mention the indirect extent allocation mapping table, which is Say this path can’t get through. Change a way of thinking, since the extent mapping relationship of the file deleted from asm is cleared, then can the relevant data be found through the corresponding acd record. By analyzing the acd, it is found that drop Similar records related to the time point, by analyzing the corresponding acd records, it is found that the direct extent and extended extent allocation are all emptied and cannot be recovered through this idea
Try acd to restore extent map
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].kfbl.blk: 262 ; 0x1cc: blk=262
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].kfbl.obj: 1 ; 0x1d0: file=1
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].kfcn.base: 6216 ; 0x1d4: 0x00001848
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].kfcn.wrap: 0 ; 0x1d8: 0x00000000
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].oplen: 20 ; 0x1dc: 0x0014
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].blkIndex: 262 ; 0x1de: 0x0106
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].flags: 28 ; 0x1e0: F=0 N=0 F=1 L=1 V=1 A=0 C=0 R=0
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].opcode: 162 ; 0x1e2: 0x00a2
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].kfbtyp: 4 ; 0x1e4: KFBTYP_FILEDIR
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].redund: 17 ; 0x1e5: SCHE=0x1 NUMB=0x1
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].pad: 63903 ; 0x1e6: 0xf99f
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].KFFFD_PEXT.xtntcnt:0 ; 0x1e8: 0x00000000
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].KFFFD_PEXT.xtntblk:0 ; 0x1ec: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].KFFFD_PEXT.xnum:0 ; 0x1ee: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].KFFFD_PEXT.xcnt:1 ; 0x1f0: 0x0001
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].KFFFD_PEXT.setflg:0 ; 0x1f2: 0x00
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].KFFFD_PEXT.flags:0 ; 0x1f3: O=0 S=0 S=0 D=0 C=0 I=0 R=0 A=0
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].KFFFD_PEXT.xptr[0].au:4294967292 ; 0x1f4: 0xfffffffc
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].KFFFD_PEXT.xptr[0].disk:0 ; 0x1f8: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].KFFFD_PEXT.xptr[0].flags:0 ; 0x1fa: L=0 E=0 D=0 S=0 R=0 I=0
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].KFFFD_PEXT.xptr[0].chk:41 ; 0x1fb: 0x29
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].au[0]: 10 ; 0x1fc: 0x0000000a
kfracdb2.lge[2].bcd[2].disks[0]: 0 ; 0x200: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].kfbl.blk:2147483648 ; 0xe54: blk=0 (indirect)
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].kfbl.obj: 262 ; 0xe58: file=262
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].kfcn.base: 3280 ; 0xe5c: 0x00000cd0
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].kfcn.wrap: 0 ; 0xe60: 0x00000000
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].oplen: 16 ; 0xe64: 0x0010
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].blkIndex: 0 ; 0xe66: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].flags: 28 ; 0xe68: F=0 N=0 F=1 L=1 V=1 A=0 C=0 R=0
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].opcode: 163 ; 0xe6a: 0x00a3
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].kfbtyp: 12 ; 0xe6c: KFBTYP_INDIRECT
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].redund: 17 ; 0xe6d: SCHE=0x1 NUMB=0x1
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].pad: 63903 ; 0xe6e: 0xf99f
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].KFFIX_PEXT.xtntblk:0 ; 0xe70: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].KFFIX_PEXT.xnum:0 ; 0xe72: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].KFFIX_PEXT.xcnt:1 ; 0xe74: 0x0001
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].KFFIX_PEXT.ub2spare:0 ; 0xe76: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].KFFIX_PEXT.xptr[0].au:4294967292 ; 0xe78: 0xfffffffc
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].KFFIX_PEXT.xptr[0].disk:0 ; 0xe7c: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].KFFIX_PEXT.xptr[0].flags:0 ; 0xe7e: L=0 E=0 D=0 S=0 R=0 I=0
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].KFFIX_PEXT.xptr[0].chk:41 ; 0xe7f: 0x29
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].au[0]: 296 ; 0xe80: 0x00000128
kfracdb2.lge[20].bcd[1].disks[0]: 0 ; 0xe84: 0x0000
It is also not feasible to find the extent of the data file allocation directly by deleting the acd record. By analyzing the relevant acd block, I finally found the relevant record of the corresponding extent allocation
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].kfbl.blk: 2 ; 0x918: blk=2
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].kfbl.obj:2147483648 ; 0x91c: disk=0
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].kfcn.base: 2820 ; 0x920: 0x00000b04
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].kfcn.wrap: 0 ; 0x924: 0x00000000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].oplen: 28 ; 0x928: 0x001c
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].blkIndex: 2 ; 0x92a: 0x0002
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].flags: 28 ; 0x92c: F=0 N=0 F=1 L=1 V=1 A=0 C=0 R=0
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].opcode: 73 ; 0x92e: 0x0049
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].kfbtyp: 3 ; 0x930: KFBTYP_ALLOCTBL
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].redund: 18 ; 0x931: SCHE=0x1 NUMB=0x2
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].pad: 63903 ; 0x932: 0xf99f
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].KFDAT_ALLOC2.vaa.curidx:2416 ; 0x934: 0x0970
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].KFDAT_ALLOC2.vaa.nxtidx:8 ; 0x936: 0x0008
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].KFDAT_ALLOC2.vaa.prvidx:8 ; 0x938: 0x0008
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].KFDAT_ALLOC2.vaa.asz:0 ; 0x93a: KFDASZ_1X
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].KFDAT_ALLOC2.vaa.frag:0 ; 0x93b: 0x00
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0] ; 0x93c: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0] ; 0x93e: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].KFDAT_ALLOC2.vaa.fnum:262 ; 0x940: 0x00000106
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].KFDAT_ALLOC2.vaa.xnum:0 ; 0x944: 0x00000000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].KFDAT_ALLOC2.vaa.flags:8388608 ; 0x948: 0x00800000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].KFDAT_ALLOC2.lxnum:3 ; 0x94c: 0x03
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].KFDAT_ALLOC2.spare1:0 ; 0x94d: 0x00
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].KFDAT_ALLOC2.spare2:0 ; 0x94e: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].au[0]: 0 ; 0x950: 0x00000000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].au[1]: 11 ; 0x954: 0x0000000b
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].disks[0]: 0 ; 0x958: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[0].disks[1]: 0 ; 0x95a: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].kfbl.blk: 262 ; 0x95c: blk=262
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].kfbl.obj: 1 ; 0x960: file=1
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].kfcn.base: 3018 ; 0x964: 0x00000bca
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].kfcn.wrap: 0 ; 0x968: 0x00000000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].oplen: 20 ; 0x96c: 0x0014
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].blkIndex: 262 ; 0x96e: 0x0106
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].flags: 28 ; 0x970: F=0 N=0 F=1 L=1 V=1 A=0 C=0 R=0
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].opcode: 162 ; 0x972: 0x00a2
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].kfbtyp: 4 ; 0x974: KFBTYP_FILEDIR
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].redund: 17 ; 0x975: SCHE=0x1 NUMB=0x1
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].pad: 63903 ; 0x976: 0xf99f
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].KFFFD_PEXT.xtntcnt:0 ; 0x978: 0x00000000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].KFFFD_PEXT.xtntblk:0 ; 0x97c: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].KFFFD_PEXT.xnum:0 ; 0x97e: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].KFFFD_PEXT.xcnt:1 ; 0x980: 0x0001
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].KFFFD_PEXT.setflg:0 ; 0x982: 0x00
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].KFFFD_PEXT.flags:0 ; 0x983: O=0 S=0 S=0 D=0 C=0 I=0 R=0 A=0
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].KFFFD_PEXT.xptr[0].au:297 ; 0x984: 0x00000129
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].KFFFD_PEXT.xptr[0].disk:0 ; 0x988: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].KFFFD_PEXT.xptr[0].flags:0 ; 0x98a: L=0 E=0 D=0 S=0 R=0 I=0
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].KFFFD_PEXT.xptr[0].chk:2 ; 0x98b: 0x02
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].au[0]: 10 ; 0x98c: 0x0000000a
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[1].disks[0]: 0 ; 0x990: 0x0000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].kfbl.blk: 2 ; 0x994: blk=2
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].kfbl.obj: 4 ; 0x998: file=4
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].kfcn.base: 3019 ; 0x99c: 0x00000bcb
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].kfcn.wrap: 0 ; 0x9a0: 0x00000000
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].oplen: 8 ; 0x9a4: 0x0008
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].blkIndex: 2 ; 0x9a6: 0x0002
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].flags: 28 ; 0x9a8: F=0 N=0 F=1 L=1 V=1 A=0 C=0 R=0
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].opcode: 211 ; 0x9aa: 0x00d3
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].kfbtyp: 16 ; 0x9ac: KFBTYP_COD_DATA
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].redund: 17 ; 0x9ad: SCHE=0x1 NUMB=0x1
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].pad: 63903 ; 0x9ae: 0xf99f
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].KFRCOD_DATA.offset:60 ; 0x9b0: 0x003c
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].KFRCOD_DATA.length:4 ; 0x9b2: 0x0004
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2][0]:1 ; 0x9b4: 0x01
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2][1]:0 ; 0x9b5: 0x00
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2][2]:0 ; 0x9b6: 0x00
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2][3]:0 ; 0x9b7: 0x00
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].au[0]: 16 ; 0x9b8: 0x00000010
kfracdb2.lge[21].bcd[2].disks[0]: 0 ; 0x9bc: 0x0000
For records like this, all the au extent allocation records corresponding to the file number are obtained through the summary process, and the dd statement is generated, and then the file is generated

dbv Check recovery files
[oracle@rac18c2 tmp]$ dbv file=262.dbf
DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Tue Apr 28 09:45:37 2020
Copyright (c) 1982, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = /tmp/262.dbf
DBVERIFY - Verification complete
Total Pages Examined : 131072
Total Pages Processed (Data) : 123400
Total Pages Failing (Data) : 0
Total Pages Processed (Index): 0
Total Pages Failing (Index): 0
Total Pages Processed (Other): 631
Total Pages Processed (Seg) : 0
Total Pages Failing (Seg) : 0
Total Pages Empty : 7041
Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 0
Total Pages Influx : 0
Total Pages Encrypted : 0
Highest block SCN : 10001146011 (2.1411211419)
[oracle@rac18c2 tmp]$ dbv file=263.dbf
DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Tue Apr 28 09:51:05 2020
Copyright (c) 1982, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = /tmp/263.dbf
DBVERIFY - Verification complete
Total Pages Examined : 643584
Total Pages Processed (Data) : 595146
Total Pages Failing (Data) : 0
Total Pages Processed (Index): 0
Total Pages Failing (Index): 0
Total Pages Processed (Other): 821
Total Pages Processed (Seg) : 0
Total Pages Failing (Seg) : 0
Total Pages Empty : 36865
Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 0
Total Pages Influx : 0
Total Pages Encrypted : 0
Highest block SCN : 10001153042 (2.1411218450)
[oracle@rac18c2 tmp]$
dul Confirm to restore the data in the file
DUL> scan database
start scan database in parallel 1...
scan database completed.
DUL> sample all segment
start get segment info: data_obj#: 74635
finish get segment info: data_obj#: 74635
guess col def: 22
write segment info: 74635, 1, 8, 22
write sample rows: 10000
DUL> unload object 74635
2020-04-24 22:32:11 unloading table segment 74635...
2020-04-24 22:35:36 unloaded 37382656 rows.
By comparing the number of dbv and actual data, the data recovered by this kind of recovery is completely normal, and the data of the deleted data file in the asm can be recovered without using the underlying fragment scanning. In some special cases, this method cooperates with the underlying fragment recovery A more perfect recovery effect can be achieved. For the more typical oracle pdb is deleted (because there are multiple data files with the same file number, it cannot be directly recovered through the underlying fragmentation scan), and it can be recovered very well by such methods.
Similar article reference:
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If you unfortunately encounter asm data files deleted / lost, or accidentally deleted pdb and other related matters, if you need to restore, you can contact us to