MySQL Ransomware Recovery

Title: MySQL Ransomware Recovery

Author: DATABASE SOS©All rights reserved [without my consent, it may not be reproduced in any form, otherwise there is the right to further legal responsibility.]

Recently encountered several mysql databases that were deleted by hackers and left Bitcoin ransomware in the WARNING table of each library

mysql> desc WARNING
    -> ;
| Field           | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id              | int(11)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| warning         | longtext | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| Bitcoin_Address | longtext | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| Email           | longtext | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from WARNING;
| id   | warning                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | Bitcoin_Address                    | Email            |
|    1 | To recover your lost Database and avoid leaking it: Send us 0.06 Bitcoin (BTC) to our Bitcoin address 1BLYhUDmnmVPVjcTWgc6gFT6DCYwbVieUD and contact us by Email with your Server IP or Domain name and a Proof of Payment. If you are unsure if we have your data, contact us and we will send you a proof. Your Database is downloaded and backed up on our servers. Backups that we have right now: xxxx,xxxxxx,xxxxxxxx,xxxxxxx . If we dont receive your payment in the next 10 Days, we will make your database public or use them otherwise. | 1BLYhUDmnmVPVjcTWgc6gFT6DCYwbVieUD | |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The general meaning is: We have backed up your database, and you gave us 0.06 bitcoins, and we give you the data. If we do not receive the payment within 10 days, the database will be made public or used for other purposes. The experience of friends we have contacted in the past, the database will not be given to you after payment (most likely the hacker did not back up the database at all, just deleted the database and then extorted Bitcoin.

For such cases, through analysis, it is confirmed that the hacker has deleted the database.In the case of no coverage, we can recover its data.MySQL drop database recovery (the recovery method is also applicable to MySQL drop table, delete, truncate table)Minimize the loss caused by database corruption.
If you also encounter this problem, please protect the site, do not import the backup database, do not write to the partition where the data is located (the better the site protection, the better the data recovery effect), mirror the relevant disk to prevent secondary damage. We can provide professional mysql recovery services to reduce your losses.